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Date A Christian who shares your hobby.

This country is full of strong believers but don’t we all know that just because you meet someone of the Christian faith, it doesn’t always mean you are going to get on with them. Christian dating is far too broad to know you are going to meet someone who is perfect for you. There was a time where you could sign up to a Christian website and meet someone who you got on with great but these days, so many millions of Americans are signed up we now need to give people better filters so you can meet Christians who share your interests. Whether your hobby is horse riding, swimming, walking or even your pets. You want to meet people who you have something in common with.

Filter your results

This is where filtering comes in; why not filter your results down to men and women who have the same interests as you. When everyone signs up to this website for the first time, we ask them to fill in some brief questions about their interests and hobbies. The great thing is, once they have ticked boxes saying they like certain things, we can order them into specific types of people. So for example if a woman was to sign up to this site and say that she loved horse riding, she could filter her results to horse riders and we would be able to show her all the men who also selected horse riding in their interests. This is the great this about online dating, you already know that the people you meet on this website have signed up to a dating site called Mysinglechristian .com, therefore the one thing you know for definate is that they are Christian. That means that everyone you see on this site shares your faith. Now it is up to you to specify what type of Christian you want to meet. Whether you are looking for someone who loves to surf or even someone who has the same taste in food as you, we can help filter your results.

Send your first message.

This is something that many Christians get nervous about, what do I say in my first message that I send to them? Well the great thing about filtering your results is that this is no something else for you to talk about, why not message them and say, hey I was looking for someone who loved horse riding and you were one of the first people who came up” this seems a little more special and may make her feel like you were looking for someone just like her?

The kind of people you could meet

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